"If it be not ripe it will drawe a mans mouth awrie with much torment; but when it is ripe, it is as delicious as an Apricock."Don't know about the second clause yet, but the first is certainly on the mark!
In other foraging news: The grapes are starting to ripen. I haven't found a huge batch yet, but several medium size ones. One is less than a mile from my house and is on the path I ride my bike to and from work. It may be too early, but everything else seems to be ahead of schedule this year, so I'm thinking of trying to make a small batch of grape juice this weekend with the boys.
Last weekend, the boys made sumacade. At first I refused to try it, because early this spring I tried a sumac shoot and my mouth and tongue broke out horribly. I'm allergic to mangos and I read later, if you are, beware! But after watching Thing #1 enjoying it immensely, I decided to try a small glass. No reaction. The next day I had a big glass. No reaction. I finally decided whatever it was I was allergic to in the stalk is not in the ade. Which is good, because I liked the flavor. We also picked about a quart of autumnberries and made juice from them. It was good, and I liked it even better when I tried Thing #1's idea of mixing it 50/50 with sumacade.
Today I also collection a handful of ground-cherries. I ate several, but I'm saving the rest for Thing #1. I collected some last week and everyone but him tried them. He was upset he missed out, so I'm making up for it this time...
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